Youโ€™re Married - Now What?!

This oneโ€™s for my 2022 brides. ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’›

Are you wondering what on earth to do now that the I Doโ€™s are done!?

Wedding withdrawals are real. Planning a wedding may have become your passion project, your inspiration or muse for the year, your hobby, and itโ€™s likely that you formed a connection to it.

So what now?

1. Along with your marriage, nurture yourself. Take time to do things your single self loved. Did you have a skincare routine while binge-watching shows? Did you find joy in a spring shopping spree? An annual girls trip? Think back on what you loved, and try to incorporate those little joys.

2. Find another passion project. If you formed a deep attachment to the art of wedding planning, perhaps you do some soul searching on what type of passion project you could pick up now. Perhaps you coach your old dance team, volunteer, join networking groups in town, start a wine club, or take up painting. Just find something that fuels your soul.

3. Schedule date nights. Donโ€™t get too busy in life to forget how important quality time is. Set time aside for scheduled, pre-planned dates, or adventures in your town, and look for joy in the simple things.

4. Donโ€™t stop adventuring. Relationships thrive on newness. Although the safety of a routine feels nice, be sure to incorporate new projects and adventures to do together. Of course my travel advisor mind will think this, BUT if itโ€™s financially feasible, perhaps you do a yearly trip together! This can be as simple as a weekend away in the states. Just make it a priority to shock your routine every now and again and spend quality time together.

5. House projects! If projects make your soul come to life, then what better than a custom home project?! A shift in your home decor is a fabulous way to make life feel new and exciting. This can be as simple as a new floral arrangement with each coming season.

6. Continue listening to wedding podcasts. If youโ€™re like me, maybe you formed a deep attachment to a wedding podcast. Well, donโ€™t be afraid to still listen if it brings you joy!

(P.S. I am clearly obsessed with all things weddings, so Iโ€™ll literally never stop listening to said podcast, but STILL. It could be a fun thing to do.)

(P.P.S. My favorite wedding podcast as a bride AND a planner is and always will be The Big Wedding Planning Podcast.

7. A marriage takes a village. Marriage coaching is NOTHING to be ashamed of. In fact, Iโ€™ve heard it said that you should have a coach in life for the things you care about most. I would say marriage should be pretty high up on that list! So, perhaps you consider taking a marriage course together to bring back that sense of togetherness that wedding planning [hopefully] had.

Wedding planning North Dakota

photo by liv paige photography

Whatever you end up doing to give you and the new hubby a sense of fulfillment, I wish you all the love and happiness in the world.


xo, megan


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